3.3v line reading 3.68 on asus P4S533-VM

Discussion in 'Asus' started by PeterSimpson, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. PeterSimpson


    Oct 21, 2010
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    hi there, i have a Asus P4S533-VM, ACPI BIOS revision 1007, windows xp pro sp3

    the bios and pcProbe both give the 3.3v reading as 3.68, and occasionally 3.69.
    As far as I can tell there is no vio jumper to select a lower voltage and i cant find any documentation relating to this problem. I am wondering:

    1.some posts say that at 3.7v its kaboom, is this correct coz in others i read that asus sometimes set their 3.3v line higher (3.45 or 3.6v) to aid system stability?

    2.is there any software about that will reduce the voltage on this line, either operating system or bios level?

    3.on boot before anything is displayed on the screen the bios beep code gives continual long beeps, indication memory not detected, a quick fiddle inside, like change the IDE, yh ide, port the hard drives are in or swap memory to other slot and it boots, is this related to the problem on the 3.3v line?

    4.do i need a new psu?

    anybody got any ideas??
    PeterSimpson, Oct 21, 2010
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