A7V8X and ATI 1650Pro compatibility

Discussion in 'Asus' started by AlpacaSam, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. AlpacaSam


    Sep 4, 2007
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    Ok, first specs...

    A7V8X (AGP 8X) motherboard, most current bios (1016 beta I think)
    AMD 2500 Mobile CPU (not overclocked currently)
    1 GB DDR RAM
    450 W PSU
    BENQ 22" widescreen LCD - I forget the model number
    ATI Radeon 1650Pro 256MB DDR3 RAM

    I had a Nvidia 4600 128MB video card previously and upgraded to the 1650 Pro.
    Upon installation of the new card and drivers (also most current available) I get one startup w/ near normal graphics, but no video and frequent lockups. When I restart the computer the next time all I get is 16 color VGA mode that will not allow me to up my display settings. If I reinstall the drivers and restart the same thing happens all over again. Any help would be appreciated.

    AlpacaSam, Sep 4, 2007
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