Abit AN7 parallel port does not work.

Discussion in 'Abit' started by luisfer99, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. luisfer99


    Jun 10, 2007
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    Hello all,

    Here is my story:

    1.- I use my parallel port to connect an extarnal devide used to unlock cell phones. It uses a program that will only work with legacy ports (0378, 0278 , 03bc). About a week ago I made a mistake when connection the device and I think I shorted the LPT port, since that day the software will not communicate thru the parallel port anymore.

    Windows does shows the LPT1 port under system devices, I also verified Bios and the LPT port is correctly setup.

    My question is, is there something that I could check or replace in my Mobo to make the port work again?

    Everything else works perfectly.


    P.S. I cannot use a PCI to LPT card because the address assigned by windows are not legacy and can not be changed.
    luisfer99, Jun 10, 2007
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