Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by trmat, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. trmat


    Jan 21, 2021
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    Last year I purchased a good used P6T board and it was ready to run with proper RAM 12GB, good fast Intel Processor etc.

    i installed win 10 using USB flash stick with no problems the system ran correctly and the overclocking was right on the money. It sat there on my desk all year without any use but recently I built two new systems and got them running so I started preparing this P6T to run wireless on my home network. I bought 3 same USB wireless adapters and the two new machines grabbed them and went right online with my router. Now I placed this third wireless adapter to the front panel on my new Phantek case the P6T resides in, and I immediately noticed it got hot to the touch so I pulled it out. Now I had purchased an add-on USB 3.0 pcie card for the P6T and the front panel cable was attached to that USB add-on card correctly. So here is where I am at this point, the motherboard boots when I have a system on it, the only thing not working now is all the USB ports are dead.

    Bios does not see any Flash sticks at any port. I built this unit with a brand new 750 power supply and it appears the system is working fine so I can only assume that power supply is not faulty or not working. I plan on purchasing a new board and use all my new parts that have 0 hours of use on them. I did order a new flash stick to put my win 10 install on, but I also bought a USB voltage checker to check each port before I declare the board a loss. What should I see for voltage at the USB ports ? Finally I think possibly the board may have issues and was sold as used because of it. I took that USB add-0n card and deep-6 it since I think it might be the culprit. I had it placed on the pcie slot and it fit nicely so I can only assume it was placed correctly. Frankly I am not sure but the machine was running fine while it was installed, just no usb devices were plugged in. All my information on setting up this system was from a well known tech person on youtube and I followed the list that would make my P6T equal to his system he was profiling. He was telling people to use the USB system to add USB 3.0 so that was what I was trying to do. This was a good board and I am sorry to lose it but after ruining 3 Flash sticks I am ready to get another later modern board and RAM and cpu or use the same cpu I have left from this faulty board. Has anyone ran into this USB problem where it destroys your USB flash sticks.
    Thanks for any comments on the testing end of the USB ports on the rear of the board
    trmat, Jan 21, 2021
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