Can I use a SSD drive with an ASUS PZ68 Delux-Gen3?

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by peterk426, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. peterk426


    Apr 19, 2020
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    Hello! I have an old Asus PZ68 Delux-Gen 3 motherboard. yes its still kickin! I built my PC back in 2011 and the motherboard is solid. I recently Bought a Samsung 860 ECO 1TB SSD Drive, and connected it, but it doesnt work. Assuming the SSD drive was bad, I sent it back and ordered another one. The new one didn't work as well. I have The Samsung Magician hardware and the SSD drive is not showing up. Is this motherboard too old to work with SSD? Or is there some action I need to do before installing it? any advice would help! Thanks!
    peterk426, Apr 19, 2020
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