Can not find the CMOS BIOS Battery

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by zarpin, May 16, 2011.

  1. zarpin


    May 16, 2011
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    Dear friends:

    I have a 5" tablet PC (Sinor M5), when I unplug it from the power supply, it switches off. The Li-Ion battery is being recognized by windows, and also being chargen, but somehow it is not feeding the computer. Also the internal clock is not working properly, because every time I turn on the computer, the date is january 1, 2002.

    So; looks like the problem is the CMOS BIOS Battery, I opened the computer but there is no such battery inside, very strange. Is it possible that this kind of tables does not have a Cmos battery? How is being feeded the internal clock? I also checked the BIOS and there is no option to see if a Cmos battery is working inside.

    Could you help me with this issue? Thanks a lot!
    zarpin, May 16, 2011
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