CFP for Student Research Symposium (HiPC)

Discussion in 'IBM' started by jigar_halani, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. jigar_halani


    Mar 21, 2010
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    C A L L F O R P A P E R S

    Student Research Symposium at
    HiPC-10: International Conference on High Performance Computing

    Dec 19, 2010 Goa, India
    HiPC - International Conference on High Performance Computing


    HiPC 2010 will feature the third student research symposium on High
    Performance Computing (HPC) aimed at stimulating and fostering student
    research, and providing an international forum to highlight student
    research accomplishments. The symposium will also expose students to
    the best practices in HPC in academia and industry. The one-day
    symposium will feature brief presentations by student authors on their
    research, followed by a poster exhibit. Short invited talks by leading
    HPC researchers/practitioners will be included in the program. The
    conference reception and the industry mixer will provide opportunities
    for students to interact with HPC researchers and practitioners (and
    recruiters) from academia and industry. To be considered, students
    should submit a 5-page extended abstract of their research.

    * August 15, 2010 - Student Symposium opens for submission

    * September 14, 2010 - Final deadline for submissions

    * Submission procedures and other details are available at the Student
    Symposium web site: HiPC - International Conference on High Performance Computing


    To be eligible to present at the symposium, the research work should
    primarily be the result of student research and should be presented by
    a student author. The student author should have been a full-time
    student at some point in 2010. Non-student co-authors are permitted.


    The IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing has agreed to
    sponsor best paper and best presentation awards for around Rs. 10000


    Students from Indian academic institutions can apply for a travel
    scholarship through the HiPC scholarship program. Student authors of
    highly ranked posters at this symposium, from Indian academic
    institutions, will be assured of a travel scholarship.
    jigar_halani, Jun 8, 2010
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