Dell slow even after clean intall

Discussion in 'Dell' started by niltomega, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. niltomega


    Jul 23, 2009
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    I'm working on a Dell Dimension 4600 that was insanely slow even after booting in safe mode. Decided to do clean install since I have original disk and drivers. Started installing last night. Took so long I went to bed. Got up and and was on time zone screen. Went on from there and it's taking for ever. I have 4 sticks of ram 2 128 mg and 2 256 mg. Tried run with just the 256 pair in case of some conflict. Still slow as hell. Ram is in proper Dual config in slots. Tried different Hard disk. Slow. Tried removing unnecessary cards. Same. Could it be the processor or some bug in the MBR. Tried different power supply too.Could the configuration be wrong in the BIOS? Any suggestion would be Great!
    niltomega, Jul 23, 2009
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