Ferrai 3400 Keypad figures flaking off

Discussion in 'Acer' started by Hammond Man, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. Hammond Man

    Hammond Man

    Jun 16, 2006
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    The figures and letters on my Ferrari 3400 are beginning to dissapear with use. The Laptop is less than 24 months old. Acer UK tell me that the reasons may be (1) sweating hands (2) where the laptop is stored (3) frequency of use or (4) use of cleaning fluids. None of the aforementioned apply. Acer Call centre Supervisor said the keyboard could be replaced at my own cost, or I could plug in a keyboard to the USB. Kind of defeats the object of having a laptop. Has anyone else had experience of this problem? If I were a skilled touch typist I would not need the figures, but I do not have those skills.
    Hammond Man, Jun 16, 2006
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