frozen yet free to move

Discussion in 'Dell' started by nokturtle88, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. nokturtle88


    Oct 5, 2010
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    My computer is about 1 year old. im not very computer savy, but im pretty sure its not overheating. i have a dell inspiron 1525 laptop. wndows vista. i am well aware that a known problem with vista is that it kicks the wireless internet aircard but it does not seem to be doing that here. my internet seems to be running just fine. i play a mmorpg on it and some light internet surfing. it freezes randomly. all but my mouse freezes. i cant cntrl+alt+del and i cant click on anything though my cursor is free to roam. i end up having to press my power butting to completely shut off. when i start it back up it runs fine. eventually it will freeze up tho. it barely started doing this. i think its day 3. do i have a virus? or should i update a certain driver? i tried to do just that. but im not sure what driver or if im looking in the wrong direction. please help!
    nokturtle88, Oct 5, 2010
  2. nokturtle88


    Oct 5, 2010
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    bluescreen event

    okay, a couple times now it suddenly froze and quickly shut off but not before a blue screen comes up with a bunch of stuff i cant read in time. when it starts up it runs fine and my error log calls the problem Event Blue Screen. any solutions? i sysytem restored to a previous point before some auto updats for windows dowloaded. the freezing stopped. havent had many problems since but it just the calm before the storm?
    nokturtle88, Oct 8, 2010
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