GA-K8NF-9 RAID creation - need help

Discussion in 'Gigabyte' started by fredix, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. fredix


    Sep 28, 2007
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    Hi Guys,

    I`m new to RAID so please excuse my ignorance here. I`ve got a ga-k8nf-9 mobo (rev 1) with latest bios (f11), running with an AMD dual core 3800+, 2GB RAM and a 200GB Seagate SATA drive.

    The 200GB drive is partitioned into 10GB C: for my XP and the rest for my D: data. Been running it for almost a year now, no problems.

    So now I`ve bought a second, identical Seagate 200GB SATA drive, and thought I'd give mirror RAID a go seeing as I`m fond of my data and believe the question isn`t if a hdd will fail but rather when will it fail.

    Anyways, so I download and installed the latest nvidia drivers from gigabyte (6.85), reboot my pc and install the drive. I turn on the RAID function in the BIOS, see an extra menu come up asking to configure my RAID, which I do (Mirror only). I save and exit and the second my windows starts loading it reboots the PC. I literally see 0.5 secs of the Loading Windows screen and it reboots itself.

    So then I thought perhaps I should mirror the data myself, so I turn off RAID, reboot normally, use Norton Ghost - now I have 2 identical 200GB SATA drives, and I try it all again - reboot, turn on RAID in BIOS - same thing happens (except now I see a post-POST, pre-Windows screen which asks me which windows to boot - choose either one and the PC reboots after almost a second of "Loading Windows").

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    fredix, Sep 28, 2007
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