HP PSC-2170 - won't install

Discussion in 'HP' started by FLRN, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. FLRN


    Apr 27, 2012
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    I seem to have misplaced the installation disk for this printer, and when I download the install files directly from HP website, it unpacks fine, but when I try to install it I get an error that states Unable to open file on this computer. No matter what I've done.

    When I just install using Windows Vista "plug & play" the scanner portion of the printer won't work. When I try to just install the HPImage Viewer Update it tells me that no printer is installed on my computer (even though it is set as default printer).

    All I want is for the scanner to work (well & to be able to print, which is about all I can do at this point). I ran a registry cleaner trying to get out any/all issues, I've ran their "remove all software" program, and it hangs on the 4th step. Unsure what to try next.,
    FLRN, Apr 27, 2012
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