Issue with SATA connectors on Abit I-N73HD

Discussion in 'Abit' started by rhys19xx, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. rhys19xx


    Aug 14, 2008
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    Apologies in advance for any errors in my terminology.

    I've recently assembled a media centre based upon an Abit I-N73HD motherboard.

    During the assembly I had reason to remove the SATA cables for the DVD drive and the HD, but, in doing so, the black plastic slots into which the cables connects to the motherboard came away too (without me having applied any undue force), leaving exposed some rather fragile metal prongs.

    This isn't disastrous, since I've used the two other spare SATA slots and the machine seems to be running happily as is. However, unless I either find a way to get these two plastic slots back onto the motherboard or replace the motherboard entirely, the upgrade potential of the board has been severely limited.

    Any thoughts as to whether it's possible to get the plastic slots back on successfully? Or would I be better off just taking the board back to the supplier or manufacturer?

    Many thanks in advance.
    rhys19xx, Aug 14, 2008
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