I was goofing of this weekend and was trashed (drunk) i decide for some reasone to change something to do with my mobo's FSB/Ram speed ratio's. It powers on their aren't any system beeps and i can see the HD Led goin so i know that its trying to boot or is booting up, but their is no video. I use a Radon 9600se AGP video card and if tried a PCI video card, but still no video. I have even tried clearing the bios and puting the cpu in safe mode. but im still geting no video i want to know if their is any thing that i can do to fix this. any help would be much appriciated. Windows XP Home SP2 400 Watt ATX power Supply AMD 2000+ Radeon 9600se 128mbs 1x 512 kingston ram 40gb westerdigital HD 80gb Maxtor HD