K8N Neo4 not accepting Video Card

Discussion in 'MSI' started by BooFA1010, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. BooFA1010


    Feb 20, 2009
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    I bought a GeForce 7300GT a while back. Every time I install it, it works fine but once I shut down my computer and start it back up it stops working. The computer makes a long pulse and nothing loads up. I have called the video card tech support and they say to try to update bios and chip set? I have googled how to do it and can;t figure it out. I was wondering if this video card is even supported with my K8N Neo4 Platinum Edition (MS-7125). I have a low-noise SmartPower 2.0 450W ATX12V v2.01 power supply. The minimum requirements asks for 350W Power Supply.

    Thank you in advance
    BooFA1010, Feb 20, 2009
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