K8U / Athlon64

Discussion in 'Gigabyte' started by rjohnsto, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. rjohnsto


    Aug 3, 2006
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    Northern VA
    Hi, First time posting here....
    I just took delivery on a barebones box with a K8U, Athlon 64 (skt 939). After adding a 40 GB IDE, 1 GB of Kingston memory ( DDR400), a Cd reader, and an MSI video card, I get nothing but fan noise. No POST at all.
    Fans work, but that doesn't say anything else. I removed the video card to see if it would invoke some response, nothing. Did the same with the memory... nothing.

    Is there a test point I can use to measure voltage to the processor? etc.

    Response to my email address is fine.

    rjohnsto, Aug 3, 2006
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