M2A-VM ASUS Running Windows 10

Discussion in 'Motherboard General Discussion' started by Rebob7, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. Rebob7


    Jun 21, 2023
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    I am running Windows 10 Pro(updgraded from Windows 7 Pro) and in the last 6 months or so have experienced randow freezes and hangs. ASUS offers no support.

    Does anyone have any information on any possible way to fix this. I have not updated the BIOS yet as this is a dangerous last resort.

    Yes, the MB is old and should be abandoned but I am still getting enough service to try to keep it going.

    I have tried all of the obvious, SFC, DISM, Chkdsk, Replaced the PSU, reseated/SATA cables, changed SATA port, Looked at events (\Device\Ide\IdeDevice POTOLO-0 was retried, Driver detected a controller error on \Device\Ide\IdePort0.

    Any comments would be appreciated.
    Rebob7, Jun 21, 2023
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