:mad: I have the following equipment: M2NPV-MX Motherboard OCZ DDR2 RAM Western Digital Caviar 500GB HDD AMD Athlon X2 (Socket AM2) Apevia X-Cruiser Case Apevia Beast 680W Power Supply Checked the wiring, and it is wired correctly, but no Post. The first CPU was a brand new- out-of-the-box X2 5200, and the second tried was another brand new X2 3200. This was because according to the ASUS tech, the BIOS for the Mobo was too old for the 5200. SO I tried the 3200 and still no post. Please send me an email as follow up. [email]Glenn24@inbox.com[/email] I get no video, no beep, nothing, although the HDD does begin to spin, and the green power light on the motherboard is lit. I know I am getting power and that the power supply is fine, and I presume the memory is fine, since I checked it against ASUS specs, and I tried it in several configurations, with no post. Any ideas before I RMA the Mobo? HELP!!!!!!!!:eek: