Matshita UJ 820D (DVD/RW +/-)problems

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by jason021677, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. jason021677


    Aug 30, 2007
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    I am at a loss with this DVD drive. I have a Sony Vaio A150 laptop. I reinstalled XP and upon doing so my DVD drive is no longer operational. I have tried uninstalling the device via Device Manger and when a hardware search is done, it still is detected with a yellow explamation point in the Hardware Listing. I've tried downloading the firmware driver at Sony's page for this model: (KMFOPD-00704302-US(MatshitaUJ-820DVDRWOpticalDriveFirmwareUpdateUtil-v.1.01.40910)
    and it won't take. I'm not sure why this is doing this. All I can think of is trying to reinstall XP Pro/SP2 again from the dos screen at start.

    I appreciate any solutions that can be offered.
    jason021677, Aug 30, 2007
  2. jason021677


    Aug 30, 2007
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    Further Information

    Here is some further information that may be helpful:

    Matshita UJ-820D Properties
    General Tab:
    Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)

    "No information listed"

    Driver Provider: Microsoft
    Driver Date: 7/1/2001
    Driver Version: 5.1.2535.0
    Digital Signer: Microsoft Windows Publisher

    Device Instance Id

    The downloaded file from the Sony Website I listed in the previous post is called F/W Loader Firmware Upgrade Untility: Its saying that its the F/W Loader UJ-820B_V1.01_for_VAIO in the blue title bar of the program. If this is so, it may be an incorrect file version, since I have the 820D, or it won't apply due to it already having been Upgraded and won't allow a reinstall of the firmware.
    jason021677, Aug 30, 2007
  3. jason021677


    Aug 2, 2012
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    troubles with Matshita UJ 820D for years

    I love how they did not post the fix for this problem . :mad:

    I have been having this same problem for years with my laptop and I have not found a fix yet. I came back to his site to check in on any new updates and I am sad to see that I can stil find no way to get my dick drive to be recognized let alone play. PLEASE POST THE FIX, SOMEONE!?!?
    crazy_lyons, Aug 2, 2012
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