maximus extremus board, blank screen startup

Discussion in 'Asus' started by peglegjoee, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. peglegjoee


    Dec 23, 2008
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    hi im having the problem of my computer turning on, and all the signal lights showing a "crazy," or level 3, amount of hardware and power usage. My fans all spin at high speed the instant i push the power button, and everything runs without overheating. Only problem is that the screen does not detect any signal comming from the graphic card so it does not display anything. I have taken out the motherboard batter and cleared the cmos. Before this happened i could get a display going on the screen but was getting a error message that my USB was using to much current and would shut down in 15 seconds. Any help would be appreciated on this issue.


    550w psu
    intel 8500 3.0 ghz duo core
    Maximus extremus mb
    ddr3 1333 mhz 4 gig
    r3870x2 graphics

    email me at [email protected] or respond here if you have any advice please
    peglegjoee, Dec 23, 2008
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