Hello, I have a Visiontek Xtasy Radeon 9550 128 MB AGP card stuck in my MSI KT4V and I am having issues with the AGP Read W/S 1, and Write W/S 1 staying on Enable. Here is what I've done so far, Downloaded drivers for the card and the VIA 4 in 1 drivers, CatalystControlCenter, and I have set AGP Fast Write, Write, and Read to ON, and turned PCI Write and Read to OFF and AGP is on 8x. I reboot, and lo and behold, AGP is enabled, but the settings goto AGP Fast Write ON, Write OFF, and Read ON. PCI Write ON and Read OFF. In the BIOS, I've set the AGP aperture size to 128, enabled AGP Fast Write, W/S 1 Write, and W/S 1 Read. I save and exit the BIOS, reboot, and my screen flickers and it reverts back to the settings above, where the BIOS retains the same settings. I'll put my PC specs here, if it helps any. OS- Windows XP Pro SP2 Pri HDD- 40 GB Sec HDD- 120 GB MoBo- MSI-6712 version 1.0 RAM- 1 GB North Bridge- VIA KT400 (KT8377) Revision 00 South Bridge- VIA KT8235 Revision 00 CPU- AMD Athlon XP 2000+ (overclocked to ~1.8GHz, FSB set to 140 MHz) Video- ATI Radeon Graphics Processor AGP (0x4153) Video Memory- 128 Mbytes Internal DAC @ 400 MHz Need more info, let me know and ill post it.