My Dell Inspiron 1150 turned all white

Discussion in 'Dell' started by Johnnycip00, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. Johnnycip00


    Dec 29, 2008
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    Funny, after posting one problem on here about my laptop, another one pops up!!

    I turned on my Dell Inspiron 1150, and as it was loading up, the display turned all white. I tried restarting it, and still does the same thing.

    I have tried hooking up another display to the alternate display port on the back, using the "Fn" key and the "F8 CRT/LCD", and it works fine through the alternate display.

    I was going to just get a new display, but wanted to make sure first!

    Again, since this was mass produced, I have to believe it is a common problem.

    Thanks for any help
    Johnnycip00, Dec 29, 2008
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