My Dream PC -- Silent, Cold, and Motionless

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by RobertoJ, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. RobertoJ


    Apr 12, 2007
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    I wonder if it is possible to design a PC that does not reqiure any
    fans or discs.

    This computer uses RAM chips -- instead of magnetic discs -- in to
    store information and does not need a CPU because each bit of
    information is provided with a processing unit and its own memory.
    This would make the PC run much faster and not need any fans or moving
    parts. It is entirely chip-based. Since each bit is provided with its
    own memory and processing, this would prevent crashes or overheating
    from occuring.

    Also, couldn't a PC be built in such a way that it freshly generates
    the correct electric signals ["on the fly"] instead of playing them
    back from its ROM chips?

    Its not that I don't like ROM. I was curious as to whether there is an
    "on the fly" alternative that freshly-generates the electronic signals
    [that are normally stored in ROMs] instead of playing them back from
    the ROM.

    There are sets of instructions stored in ROMs. In the case of a PC,
    these instructions load before the CPU "knows" it has a hard drive or
    other peripheral devices. Couldn't those instructions be generated in
    real-time insteading of storing them?

    I am aware that EEPROM is reliable, low power, customizable, reprogram-
    able, cheap and proven. But just out of curiosity, my dream PC is hard-
    coded [thus not needing any ROM] and also uses RAM chips -- instead of
    magnetic discs -- in to store information and does not need a CPU
    because each bit of information is provided with a processing unit and
    its own memory. This would make the PC run much faster and not need
    any fans or moving parts. It is entirely chip-based. Since each bit is
    provided with its own memory and processing, this would prevent
    crashes or overheating from occurring.

    Other specs are below. The stuff below also do not need any ROM memory
    because they are physically-built to generate the signals which
    correspond to the following.

    OS: Windows 98SE
    Browser: Mozilla Suite 1.8b

    No fans, no discs, no moving parts, no ROM [except for the CD/DVD
    recording/playing and re-writing].

    IOW, my dream PC would work perfectly but would not need any moving
    parts, discs, or fans. The "HDD" would consists of silicon RAM chips
    in place of disc-platters and electric parts in place of magnetic
    parts. No moving parts, no noise, no fans, no magnets, no hazardous

    To put it simply, what I am describing is a PC that does not need to
    store any information because all of the signal codings for the info
    is generated in real-time.

    The following is a bad analogy but I'll add it anyway.

    PC reading info from memory = sample playback synth playing back its
    samples of sounds of an FM synth.

    PC generating its signals in real-time = an *actual* FM synth freshly-
    generating its tones "on the fly".

    Yes, I know, the above is a poor analogy but I couldn't think of
    anything better.

    RobertoJ, Apr 12, 2007
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