Need help finding the right Up-dated Driver for PNY Verto GeForce 6200

Discussion in 'Motherboard General Discussion' started by mrbloody369, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. mrbloody369


    Mar 5, 2007
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    I have a "PNY Verto GeForce 6200 / 256MB DDR / AGP 8x/4x / DVI / VGA / TV Out" in my pc , and haveing a hell of a time to update the drivers for it, since It wont let me play FFXI or CS, I cant even use some of my grafic drawing programs :/ Can some one help me out, I am very fustrated that my computer reboots when I try to run CS and says I need the updated drivers,and sends me to NVIDIA driver download page, downloaded it , uninstaled the old drive compleatly(which was a pain) and went to install the new drive and it said in amist of install incorect hard ware configarashion, and cancels out.. HELP S.O.S.

    Thank your for any and all help.


    I have tried calling their tech saport, to get hung up twice today after being on hold for a total of 5 hours today...
    mrbloody369, Mar 5, 2007
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