new motherboard bad drive letter assignment

Discussion in 'Gigabyte' started by seasider, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. seasider


    Nov 2, 2010
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    Hello, I'm new to this forum but could really use some help,

    I've just bought and installed a replacement motherboard
    specifically Gigabyte EP31-DSL.

    I originally tried to install with 3 hard drives and a DVD drive and doing this the system disk was assigned to letter F::(

    I've since installed a minimum configuration, including my Windows Vista :)o) system
    disk (connected to SATA port 0 on the motherboard).

    Unfortunately, when I try to start the system, the system disk is being assigned letter D:
    and windows complains there is a problem and tries to repair but no joy.

    I've tried taking the CMOS battery out and shorting the CLR_CMOS jumper
    but when I restart, the drive is still assigned to D: :mad:

    Can anyone suggest how I can set the disk assignment back to C:

    Thanks in advance
    seasider, Nov 2, 2010
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