"No bootable device found" after motherboard change

Discussion in 'Asus' started by barnabeck, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. barnabeck


    Sep 27, 2020
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    I'm not a computer hardware geek, but I always had managed to solve my problems. Unfortunately I'm a nice guy and if somebody asks me for help I hardly can say no. A friend's computer had been diagnosed with a broken motherboard and a broken power supply. She doesn't have the budget to buy a new one and so I recommended to buy only these parts new, which is what she did. I exchanged motherboard and power supply but the system won't boot, saying that no bootable device could be found. I had been trying to follow all hints regarding this error, but can't get a clear idea of how to face it.

    The motherboard is an ASUS Prime H410M-K and I can't find within the BIOS anything related to legacy/IDE, which according to what I had read would be the way to configure it properly.

    Now my friend contacted some "computer expert" through Internet and he says that it is necessary to save all the disk content and to format it all over again. Can someone please confirm that this would be the way?

    Thank you
    barnabeck, Sep 27, 2020
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