No Onboard speaker problems

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by donutdoll, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. donutdoll


    Oct 22, 2007
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    Tidewater VA
    I have recently put together 2 systems using the nForce 650i chips, from 2 different manufactures and found a problem with not having any onboard speaker. One of the systems came with bad memory modules and because there was no speaker I could not hear any beep codes. I was first told by the company that sold the “barebones kit” to a friend that it was a bad system board, but then it changed to must be a bad power supply and then a bad processor. I got the thought to just start changing parts and finally when I got to the memory found the problem. I understand we are all looking for the best deal, but honestly how much does it cost for those cheap speakers? I hope this is a fade and manufactures will start putting speakers back on the system boards for us techs.
    donutdoll, Oct 22, 2007
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