p4c800 deluxe how to replace small sata primary with new 1tb sata?

Discussion in 'Asus' started by BryanS, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. BryanS


    Dec 1, 2009
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    Hello I searched and found an article on this site that the user had a p4c800e deluxe and installed a 1tb wd re3 sucessfully, does any one know of any othe 1tb sata drives that will work in this older mb? I believe he installed it on the ICH5r.

    I have reviewed a number of articles on cloning to the new drive, but I have 2 sata's installed now.. and not sure how to install a third to be the new primary after the clone, or the procedure of how to find the new drive after installation. I know the mb allows 4 sata's but I think its 2 on the ICH5r, and 2 on the promise?

    Can anyone shed some light on the best procedure? thanks..
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2009
    BryanS, Dec 1, 2009
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