PSU overvoltage?

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by captainjon, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. captainjon


    Dec 10, 2010
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    I've bought 2 PSU's from Ebay, one after the other as I cant get them to work on either
    of my 2 systems (ASRock Alivedual eSata2 and Gigabyte EP35 DS3R). The Power
    does not come on at all.

    Using a wire on the green (PS_ON) to GND, it turns on and I measured the voltages.

    Be Quiet bqt e5

    red 5.12 ok
    orange 3.52 not ok (+3.135 VDC to +3.465 VDC)
    yellow 12.36 ok
    blue -11.66 ok
    purp 5.16 ok (+5VSB)
    gr 5.13 ok (PWR_ON)

    LC 6550

    red 5.13 ok
    orange 3.37 ok
    yellow 12.03 ok
    blue -11.85 ok
    purp 4.5 not ok (+5VSB)(+4.750 VDC to +5.250 VDC)
    gray 5.13 ok (PWR_ON)

    You can see that there is a voltage on each slightly out of spec. Would this be enough for the
    motherboard to turn off PS_ON to the PSU, or is there another reason. Does the PSU need to be grounded
    via the case, as I have the PSU next to it on the floor? Maybe something else I missed?


    - I am now aware second hand PSUs on Ebay is not a great idea.
    captainjon, Dec 10, 2010
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