RAM Population with S2895 K8WE

Discussion in 'Tyan' started by Tommy974, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Tommy974


    Feb 15, 2008
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    Hello to all, I'm a newbie here!
    I have a problem with my motherboard, I wonder if anyone can give me a help.

    This is my system:
    2 x Opteron 285
    RAM Corsair ECC CM72SD1024RLP-3200
    Windows XP 64x edition
    BIOS v1.05

    I tried to expand my RAM going from 4 to 6 modules of RAM (each module is 1GB).
    Of course I populated slots like in manuals reference: starting from DIMMA1 and installing modules in symmetric way for each CPU.
    By the way the BIOS keep reading only 4 GB instead of 6 GB.

    Then I wonder if the motherboard can read also 6 modules or it only can read 2, 4 or 8 modules...

    Can someone help me with this please? I wrote to technical support of Tyan but nobody seems to answer me :(

    If someone has any idea about that, please post a solution!

    Thank you very much for kind attention!
    Tommy974, Feb 15, 2008
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