It took me days to find this site. This website contains most of the files you will need if you own a Soyo motherboard. web-archive-org/web/20040617164344/www-soyousa-com/dl/ <--- usa file site AS-OF 2004 web-archive-org/web/20070106062245/www-soyo-com-tw/dl/bios/ <--- Most recent, taiwan file site AS-OF 2007 ***Replace the dashes with points on the URL's above. The forum would not let me post URL's so I had to work around the system. Sorry admins. This will help a lot of people with old Soyo boards*** I am currently working on adding the latest Silicon Image built-in SATA controller firmware into the board BIOS. I have a P4I875P Dragon 2 my stuff is under "P4" Admins: Please fix the URL and make this a sticky
A useful post but I do not understand the points and dashes part? Please explain, I understand you could not post the url.