Three different CPU definitions on one K8t Neo

Discussion in 'MSI' started by ancientoneuk, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. ancientoneuk


    Jul 8, 2006
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    Hi guys...

    Back again after waiting for my new CPU after crushing the core on my A64 3200+ Clawhammer :(

    Now with a brand new 90nm Sempron 2800+ 754 with 256 L2 but I know it is a Sempron 2800+ WCPUID, CBID and Everest say different things.

    WCPUID states that I have something called a Athlon 64 FX-156... it also tells me it is a socket 940 mcPGA package. with a Family 15 Model 12 Stepping ID 2

    Everest tells me that I have indeed a Sempron but with a Venice 256 core not the Palermo as it should be.

    CBID tells me that I have a Sempron with a Palermo as it should be, DH-E6 revision BUT I have two cores!!!

    Everything else just says I have a 1600mhz unknown processor...

    Unlike my last 90nm Sempron on this board, I get across the spectrum AMD Unknown Processor in the ID String and no announce date either.

    I have never heard of a FX-156 nor of a Venice 256 either and a dual core Sempron? Unlikely to the extreme :( but nice if it were true.

    Any ideas, I have up to date MSI BIOS and drivers, everything working as it should be and nice and stable.


    ancientoneuk, Aug 14, 2006
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