TUF B450m-Plus fails to boot post BIOS update

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by baxsc01, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. baxsc01


    Nov 18, 2019
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    The motherboard was operating well today and I noted updated BIOS. Ran online update and got dialog for reboot post flash. Clicked reboot and now I get no power to USB mouse and keyboard, and video is lost. No beeps. Power to fans, motherboard RGB, and DVD spins on boot but nothing else. Took out video card and replaced AMD CPU with another chip with onboard Vega graphics, no change. Shorted CMOS pins, no change, then pulled battery and shorted pins per manual, no change. Can't get technical support - I'm first in line then fourth in line and I can't get any support through online chat. Need to know what my options are.
    baxsc01, Nov 18, 2019
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