USB issue on P5GPL-X - Help

Discussion in 'Asus' started by BuffyBoy, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. BuffyBoy


    Nov 27, 2006
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    Hi i brought a P5GL-X motherboard a few months back and keep having USB issues... I have tried everything and have re-installed xp so many times but still no luck...
    At first i got msge saying Microsoft couldn't reconise a USB Driver and came up as unknown.:confused: Then i would get msge saying that Power Surge on HUB Port - then system would freeze. The only way around it has been to disable it in BIOS but then i have no access.

    Any ideas would be appreaciated to fix this as i am ready to go and buy a new mob....:mad:
    BuffyBoy, Dec 16, 2006
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