Verifying DMI Data Pool

Discussion in 'Dell' started by brutis, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. brutis


    Oct 7, 2006
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    Does anyone know exactly what files are being read on the harddrive at the "verifying dmi data pool" stage of the boot?

    I turned on my PC and it stopped at this point of boot, I tried writing a new boot file, new MBR, etc all to no avail.

    I haven't reformatted the drive and am reluctant to do so as I can access all the files on the drive after starting the PC with a different hard drive.

    All tests and diagnostics pass on the hard drive in question it just will not boot past "verifying dmi data pool".

    I can examine this disk while in windows from the new disk, can manipulate files and even ran a defrag on it and am out of ideas to get this disk to boot.

    If I had another disk this large I would use Ghost to copy this disk to the new one and reformat the old and try to copy the files back providing it booted from the new disk.

    The only thing I can think is I had Goback on the drive at one time and I know from experience that Goback is written in some out of the way place on the disk as I have had it appear after fdisk and reformatting a drive Goback was still there, I,m thinking somehow Goback has caused corruption, maybe not, just a wild thought.

    Any boot experts on this thread?
    brutis, Oct 7, 2006
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