Hi. I new here so be nice :) I have quite a few questions to help move forward. I bought a second hand Sunfire X4200 server. Boots fine. I have 2 Emulex LP9002L-E FC PCI-X controller cards. I have tried to install either in any of the available ports. The server will NOT start with any of these cards in. The cards work in a ML150 G3. The cards connect to a ds3000 datastore (that I bought secondhand). Is it something in bios I have missed or do I have to flash the cards ? Currently the ML150 is running esxi5. I can't make changes to the ds3000 ? I can see little storage. Do I need to do that in a Windows Enviroment or a direct windows install ? or is there a VMWare tool that I can do that with. I also have a emc ktn-stl4 that I don't know what adapters or cables are required to access, as the cables/connectors are quite different. thanks for the help.